04 February 2019

Power line TR Lišany – Tuchlovice

In October last year, construction was completed in the Ústí Region in the Louny District.

On the route, 31 new lattice masts (13 anchor and 18 supporting) of the barrel type, including concrete foundations, were built in parallel with the existing line V314/353. Complete disassembly and demolition of mast foundations No. 29 of the existing V314/355 line also took place. New phase conductors and a new rope, including fittings, were installed on TR Vyškov – mast No. 29B. The conductors of the existing line V353 were also partially dismantled and the new conductors were connected to the existing conductors on mast No. 29B.

The purpose of the construction was to strengthen the possibility of power transmission between TR Vernéřov and TR Vyškov, as well as to improve voltage ratios and enable the connection of the new TR Rakovník.

We thank the investor ČEZ Distribuce, a.s.

Construction lasted from February 2018, i.e. nine months.