26 March 2019

Transmission club members meeting

Membership under the Omexom brand brings our company, among other advantages, the possibility of regular meetings with our foreign colleagues for the purpose of discussion and exchange of professional information. That is why the group Transmission club was created, which accepted among its members representatives across the entire Omexom brand. Besides us, our regular participants also include colleagues from Pilsen, Germany, Spain, Morocco, Ireland, as well as colleagues from France, who brought the whole international idea of ​​Transmission club to the world.

This year’s spring meeting took place in Prague on the premises of our company. The meeting program was filled with lectures by colleagues from Omexom Nims, an expert in business development, and a presentation that we created together with colleagues from Omexom Plzeň.

The lecture by colleagues from Omexom Nims introduced us to the possibilities of laser scanning and photometry for planning underground networks in fragmented terrains, populated areas and industrial zones, handling the obtained data and their interpretation in the form of 3D color models.

Marc Fischer presented us with his clear idea of ​​visualizations of work procedures in projects demanding the continuity of activities during their implementation. To do this, a common library of models of machines and equipment used in our industry should be created.

Last but not least, we introduced our foreign colleagues to the methods of modifying existing lines from the point of view of the minimum distances of crossed objects. The purpose was to provoke a discussion about the possibilities of applying our solutions abroad and to evaluate technical solutions that may be unusual for us.